RV Mattress Trial Periods - What You Should Know

Kelly Headshot

By Kelly Beasley

Buying a new mattress for RVing is a big investment, and finding the perfect fit for your unique sleep preferences can be daunting.

Fortunately, many mattress companies now offer sleep trial periods, also known as mattress trial periods, to help make decision-making easier.

Kelly's trailer's mattress made

Here we delve into the details of RV mattress trial period policies, including the benefits for purchasers, the return process, and things to consider when evaluating various mattress brands.

The Purpose Of RV Mattress Trial Periods

A camper bed trial period allows you to test out a new bed in the comfort of your camper or RV.

These at-home trials typically range in trial length, allowing purchasers a set number of nights to sleep on and evaluate the mattress's comfort, support, and overall quality.

During the X-number of nights trial period, if the mattress does not meet the shopper's expectations, they can initiate the return process and receive a full refund.

RV mattress trial periods are particularly nice for those interested in memory foam mattresses, hybrid mattresses, and latex mattresses, as these foams tend to have unique pressure relief and firmness level characteristics.

In addition, a sleep trial period can help ensure that your new RV mattress meets your individual preferences, leading to more restful nights and overall satisfaction.

Brooklyn Bedding Signature Hybrid RV mattress

Understanding RV Mattress Return Policies

If a purchaser decides the mattress is not the ideal fit during the trial nights, they can initiate the return process, depending on the RV mattress return policies.

The return process varies among mattress manufacturers and retailers but usually involves:

  • Contacting the manufacturer or retailer.
  • Providing proof of purchase.
  • Arranging for the mattress to be picked up or donated.

It's essential to understand the specifics of the X-number night sleep trial period policies for the mattress brands you are considering because some may require that you pay shipping fees or cover other associated costs.

Additionally, some companies may have a break-in period, which stipulates a minimum amount of time that the mattress must be used before returns are accepted.

What Happens To Returned RV Mattresses?

Once a mattress is returned, it may be donated to a local charity or recycled, depending on the manufacturer's policies and local regulations.

In most cases, returned mattresses are not resold to other customers, they are given as a donation.

You should get your money back depending on that manufacturer's RV mattress refund policies.

Factors To Consider When Evaluating RV Mattress Trial And Return Policies

When comparing mattress trial periods or sleep trial periods for RV mattresses among different brands, it's essential to consider several factors:

  • Trial length: Look for RV mattress sleep trial offers that give you an adequate number of nights to test the mattress thoroughly and make an informed decision.
  • Return process: Understand the specific return policies, such as shipping fees or break-in period requirements, to avoid unexpected costs or difficulties during the return process. There's often a guarantee on RV mattresses or your money back.
  • RV mattress warranty coverage: While having trial periods for RV beds is essential, it's also crucial to evaluate the overall mattress warranty, which may cover defects, sagging, or other issues arising over time.
  • Customer support: Evaluate the level of customer support provided by the mattress manufacturers and retailers, as responsive and helpful customer service can make the return process more manageable.
Tochta custom RV mattress installed

Things To Look For During The Sleep Trial

When you're in your trial period, there are things to watch for while you test the new bed.

There's more to it than how it feels when you plop down on it to read a book.

Use this time to check the following things:

Comfort and Support

Are you comfortable sleeping on the mattress? The bed should support you but be cozy enough to cradle you.

Your spine should be kept straight and not sink down around the hips. And consider your weight.

The heavier you are, the more support your mattress should have. The lighter you are, the less firmness you'll need.

So how does it feel to you? Are there any pressure points? Do you sink? Are you losing circulation anywhere?

Is it comfortable for you if you're a side sleeper, stomach sleeper, etc?

Mattress Noise

Some mattresses, especially innerspring mattresses, may make noise when you get in or turn over.

Foam mattresses are generally free of sound. But maybe it crinkles when you turn over?

If your mattress starts getting noisy or started off noisy, you may be taking advantage of the RV mattress satisfaction guarantee.

Heat Retention

Your body is hot- generally 98 degrees or so. If you get a mattress that holds onto heat, you could be in for some sleepless nights.

There are RV mattresses made with materials that cool, such as cooling gels. While you're testing, be sure to take note if you wake up sweating or not.

If you do, the RV mattress guarantee policies should help you send it back.

Motion Containment

If you sleep with a partner, you already know what we speak of here.

When your partner moves, do you feel it? Some mattresses are better at keeping this movement contained than others.

Ensure the new replacement mattress doesn't have too much movement for your tastes.

Or you're looking at some surefire interrupted sleep nights.

Edge Strength

How are the edges- do they sink a lot? Are they supportive? You should have good support around the edges. Otherwise, you'll be on a slope if you sleep close to the edge. And nobody likes that.

Young woman lying face down on bed

Movement Ease

This is also especially important if you sleep with a partner.

You're going to move around and change positions during the night. That said, can you turn over easily?

If you cannot, this could wake you at night or make it hard to get in and out of bed.

The firmer the bed, the easier it usually is to move.

Medium-firm is usually pretty easy too. It's the really soft bed that might give you problems. Pay attention to this.

Smells (Off-gassing)

Most mattresses are made with some sort of chemical process. If so, the unit could come with a powerful odor. Some people get CertiPUR certified mattresses to help avoid noxious odors.

It can go on for months, especially for those with a really sensitive nose.

Beware what you buy, especially if you are sensitive to these odors.

Bean Airstream travel trailer bedroom


RV mattress sleep trial periods offer a valuable opportunity to test RV replacement mattresses in the comfort of your home or recreational vehicle, ensuring that the chosen bed meets your unique sleep preferences.

Understanding return policies for RV mattresses isn't rocket science.

But you must understand the overall RV mattress satisfaction guarantee, including return policies, RV mattress trial periods, warranty coverage, and customer support.

That way, you can make an informed decision and invest in a camper mattress that will provide a comfortable and refreshing night's sleep for years to come.

Kelly Headshot

Kelly was a co-founder of CampAddict.com and ran the business until April of 2024 when she sold the business to Schwalm Inc. For over 7 years she fully immersed herself in the RV lifestyle, particularly enjoying boondocking. In December 2020, she transitioned into a #vanlife setup. Her goal was to empower others to embrace RVing confidently, equipped with the knowledge for unforgettable adventures. She believed RV knowledge enhanced that freedom and flexibility of the open road. 

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