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Best RV Leveling Blocks in 2024

(Camp Addict does NOT accept payment from any company to review or endorse their products.)

It shouldn't be shocking if we tell you that living in a camper that is not leveled with RV leveling blocks is potentially dangerous as well as awkward (on un-level terrain).

Trying to walk on a floor that isn't level is the strangest feeling. And it can be a fire hazard for your absorption refrigerator.

Not fun. 

And camping should be safe and fun, shouldn't it?

Andersen Levelers in use

RV leveling blocks get your rig level at your favorite campsite. Additionally, RV levelers are a pretty simple tool that every camper needs.

Read the RV leveling block reviews below to learn which we consider to be the best.

If you want to learn more about this equipment, read our RV Levelers Guide.

RV Leveling Block Guide

Which type of leveling block is best for your RV?

What are the options available?

Read our RV Levelers Guide to learn about the different types of RV blocks and which style might work best for your rig.

Best RV Leveling Block Reviews

The ins and the outs, the good and the bad, it's all here in our reviews of the best leveling systems you can get.

Undeniably, your rig needs to be level if you have an absorption refrigerator. This type of fridge kept unlevel long enough, will kill it, OR cause it to catch fire. As we have noted, most RV's use absorption refrigerators.

Besides, who wants to walk around and sleep in a tilted environment?

At any rate, these levelers will keep you nice and level in the most questionable spots and for most people, these are must-have accessories for a camper.

Easiest RV Leveler to Use

Andersen Camper Leveler

Andersen Camper Levelers


  • Very simple design makes it the easiest to use/get right
  • Eliminates possible multiple changing of height when using RV leveling blocks
  • Doesn't take up much space
  • Available in single or 2-pack
  • Lifetime warranty


  • Price
  • Weight and tire size restrictions

The Andersen Camper Leveler system is an ingenious design in the RV leveler world.

Gone are the days you have to GUESS how many RV leveling blocks to put under your tires to get level.

Continue Reading Andersen Camper Leveler System Review

Best RV Leveling Blocks

Lynx Levelers

Lynx RV Leveling blocks box


  • Light
  • Fairly easy to set up
  • Stackable
  • Price


  • Can start to crack and fail
  • You have to guess how many blocks to use, must change out if you get it wrong the first time.

Lynx Levelers are extremely popular RV leveling blocks. It's likely something you have seen before at the campground.

You know, those bright orange stackable thingys you see under tires.

Those are usually Lynx Levelers and they are leveling out the RV they are under.

Continue Reading Lynx Levelers Review

Runner-Up RV Leveling Blocks

Camco Leveling Blocks

Camco FasTen 4x2 RV leveling blocks


  • Fairly easy to use, locks in place
  • Light
  • Portable
  • Price


  • You have to guess how many blocks to use, must change out if you get it wrong the first time.
  • Camco doesn't specify a weight limit
  • 1-Year warranty versus Lynx's 10-year warranty

Camco is our-runner up for RV leveling blocks. While still a nice product, the downside of the Camco is its very limited warranty. 

Additionally, they only a one-year warranty compared to Lynx Leveler's 10-year warranty.

Camco Leveling Blocks

Camco FasTen Leveling Blocks

Continue Reading Camco RV Leveling Blocks Review

Best 'Different' Leveler

BAL Light Trailer Tire Leveler

Suitable for VERY Light Trailers Only!

BAL 28050 light trailer tire leveler


  • Easy to set up - easier than blocks
  • People seem to like it in reviews
  • Eliminates trial and error of RV leveling blocks


  • Expensive
  • Might sink into soft dirt/mud
  • Only for lightweight trailers

We have not ever used this type of system and don't have any friends who have used it.

But because it's out there and it's well-reviewed, we decided to list it as an option. 

The BAL Light Trailer Tire Leveler looks pretty easy to use and mechanically functional, but only for lighter, smaller trailers such as popups (average weight of a pop up camper), teardrops, and Casita campers under 1,700 lbs.

Continue Reading BAL Light Trailer Leveler Review

Hopkins Towing Endurance Leveling System

There's also an RV leveling block system called the Hopkins Towing Solutions Endurance Leveling Kit.

The system requires a lot of work on your part to make them. They aren't any cheaper than the others, which don't require you to build any part of the system at all.

We aren't reviewing them, but if you are an avid do-it-yourselfer, this system might be for you. Check out the video below to have a look at what is entailed.

(It involves you using your own wood to create blocks to drive your rig on.

  • Download the Hopkins Endurance Leveling System manual here (PDF).

Beech Lane Leveling System - An Andersen Alternative

The Beech Lane Camper Leveler is very similar to the Andersen Camper Leveler.

It is a wedge-style leveler with a chock to help 'lock' it into place. And they have similar dimensions to the Andersen Leveler.

It is slightly better rated.

Also, it can take 5,000 pounds more weight capacity (35,000 pounds versus 30,000 pounds).

Beech Lane Leveler Grip Tape Issues

The single pack Beech Lane Leveler comes with grip tape installed on the tire side of the leveler. Reviewers complain that this tape comes off fairly easily.

Beech Lane says to let your tires cool down before using the levelers with grip tape.

This is because tire heat can cause the tape to lose adhesion (yeah, because it's really practical to wait until your tires cool off before leveling your rig).

Or, they say you can remove the tape. Which defeats the purpose of having the tape. Sigh.

Due to the issues with the grip tape not working so great, Beech Lane has done away with it on the 2-pack version of their camper levelers.

Now, instead of the grip tape, they have included two rubber mats (just like Andersen has available) which help to prevent these RV levelers from slipping as you roll your rig up onto them.

Why they don't include the rubber mat instead of the grip tape on the single pack of their RV leveling ramps is beyond us.

The Beech Lane Camper Levelers can be purchased for a little less money than the Andersen RV Levelers. This gives a competitive reason to consider them.

Beech Lane Camper Leveler

Single Beech Lane Leveler with Grip Tape

Beech Lane Camper Leveler 2 pack with rubber mat

2-Pack (single shown) Includes Rubber Mat

Beech Lane Camper Levelers Features and Specs:
  • Each Beech Lane Camper Leveler comes with the leveler itself and a chock
  • Available to purchase as a single leveler or as a 2-pack (2-pack comes with rubber pads)
  • Fits tires up to 32" in diameter
  • Levels anywhere between 1/2 to 4" increments
  • For tires close together, up to 4" can be sawed off of the narrow end of the leveler
  • Weight Limit: 35,000 lbs
  • Dimensions: 15" Long x 6" Wide x 4" Tall
  • Lifetime warranty


Depending on what size and type of rig you have, the above reviews will help you select the right RV leveling blocks to fit your needs.

You can also read our RV Levelers Guide to learn more about leveling blocks.

We think that the Andersen Camper Leveler is the top dog here as it has a lifetime warranty and can be used with any size or style rig (within reason).

Still, the price tag might not work for you, so we featured other more economical options. 

Whatever you do, don't get analysis paralysis. Make a decision so you can get on the road that much sooner!

Camp on, Addicts!

Kelly Headshot

Kelly and Marshall co-founded CampAddict.com and ran the business until April 2024 when they sold to Schwalm Inc. They have been full-time RV'ers since 2014, particularly enjoying the freedom of boondocking. Both of them transitioned into #vanlife mode in December 2020. They are now plotting their next adventure as they set off to explore new frontiers.

Marshall Headshot

  • I have read so many bad reviews of the Anderson’s I decided to stay away from them (so many reviews of them breaking on grass, concrete and gravel!) Up to this point I have been using the orange leveling blocks for the last couple of years and they have been really great. They have held up well, are easy to use and also act as supports under the stabilizers (double duty!) My bubble levels on the sides of the camper tell me how many inches I am off, which corresponds to how many blocks to use (each block is an inch). It’s actually quite easy and fast. However, there is no doubt that the wedge style would be even simpler, and even faster! So, I opted for the Beech Lane’s. Overall, they have much better reviews than the Andreson’s (which seem to break really easy), were a little less expensive, and also has a life time warranty. Now I will be able to use the Beech Lane levelers on most un-level situations, but for the really off situations I can break out my leveling blocks. You know that old saying… 2 is 1, and 1 is none!

    • Hi Chad,

      Yep, we also like the Beech Lane’s. Glad to hear they have served you well. I love my levelers, I have the Andersens.

      The only time they can be annoying is on a smooth hard surface as they will sometimes slide. (I boondock full-time and RARELY ever park/need to level on pavement or concrete) Marshall got the ‘skid’ mats for his, and I once used his to stop the sliding.

      Wedge levelers are a remarkable invention! (I still occasionally have to use my lynx levelers if the Andersens won’t get me level enough.)

  • The RV is not level, it is really uncomfortable. I think the information you provided, it’s great! I will try it with my RV. Thank you very much!

    • Hi Natalie,

      Sure thing! Yes, and it’s also important to be level if you have an absorption refrigerator.

      Feels much better when living in it, too.

      Sleep level and camp on!

  • I’m a the brand new owner of a W Travato 2015 and have a question I think I know the answer to but just want to be sure. I’m a solo female and want to purchase the Anderson levelers. To level in all directions I will need 3 levelers, correct? Thank you !!!!!

    • Hi Mary,

      Congratulations on your new RV!

      Yes, that sounds about right – three levelers. Four would never be necessary (unless I’m missing a scenario in my mind) and hopefully you would rarely have to ever use three.

      We have a good friend that doesn’t even carry levelers with his Class B. He just moves his rig (a lot sometimes!) to find level enough. Of course this is while boondocking so he usually has a decent sized area to maneuver in. And if you want ‘that view’ that requires you to be pointed in a particular direction, then levelers may be mandatory.

      If you are parking at a campground, and the pad is unlevel, then you have no choice but to use levelers.

      Enjoy your Travato and Camp On!

    • Hi Susan,

      Both Kelly and I use Andersen Levelers solo, so it’s definitely possible (and fairly easy). There are two ways to do it:

      1) Once you’ve got your Andersen Leveler(s) in position, move your RV slightly so that it goes up onto the levelers. Stop and check to see if you are level. If you are not level, move the RV in which ever direction you need to on the leveler (depends on if that side is still too low, or now too high). Just make sure you move a little at a time.

      2) Use the LevelMatePro (see in the guide). This will tell you when your RV is level, without having to get out and get a bubble level.

      Keep in mind that no matter which method you use to level your RV with Andersen Levelers while traveling solo, you need to be careful to not move the RV too much as to where it ‘falls’ off the end of the Andersen Levelers. Most likely nothing will happen but it certainly defeats the purpose of using the Andersens if you roll right off of them.

      It really is simple to use the Andersen Levelers when you are traveling solo. Like everything else when you are setting up camp, just make sure to take your time.

      Thanks for the comment and Camp On!

  • What do you recommend for levelling a class B with duelies? Seems these reviewed systems are intended more for single wheel axle set ups.

    • Hey Peter!

      For duallies, you can either just use two of the RV leveling block of your choice, or Camco makes a FasTen leveling block set that has a width specifically designed for dual wheel axles.

      Thanks for the comment and Camp On!

  • I have been using the Camco blocks for 3 years and can’t imagine the amount of time I’ve spent leveling my TT. Hard surfaces are the worst because of how many time I’ve chased after the squirters.
    It’s time for the Andersons, thank you!

    • SQUIRTERS! LOL! We totally know what you mean. When boondocking, levelers rarely slide due to the rougher surfaces. We do love the Andersens. However, they will ALSO slide on smooth surfaces. It’s an easy remedy- simply glue some sandpaper or maybe even roof shingles, just something abrasive and heavy duty enough to endure the pressure, and you won’t be chasing squirters, wedge OR squared! They are so much easier to level with than the Lynx or any other lego style levelers! Enjoy your new levelers and Camp On, Phillip!

  • Liked the idea of the Anderson levelers, but can they be used on dualies as on my Minnie Winnie motorhome? I’m guessing not since I only see them being used on single tires or in-line tires on trailers. Bummer…

    • Great question! We contacted Andersen to get their opinion on the matter. Andersen Levelers can be used on motorhomes but there are two things to consider. 1) They work on tires up to a 32″ diameter, so if your motorhome has larger tires, Andersen Levelers won’t work. 2) They are rated for use on RV’s that weigh up to 30,000 pounds, so keep this in mind.

      With a dual rear wheel situation (which is the case with the majority of motorhomes), you will want to use an Andersen Leveler on each tire (so 2 levelers per side).

      Thanks for the question and Camp On!

    • Hey Rick,

      Yes, those are definitely an option, but they ‘suffer’ from the same problem as the Lynx Levelers and the Camco Leveling Blocks we review on this page. That is they are ‘stepped’ so, as you mention, you have to guess how many (though you do get pretty good at that with time/experience) and they aren’t infinitely adjustable like the Anderson Levelers. Sure, the Anderson’s cost money, but if you need to level your rig often, they make it SUPER easy.

      I’ve been using Lynx Levelers for 3+ years and they continue to frustrate me in the lack of precision leveling (having to guess how many blocks to use and being having to deal with the thickness of a block as the smallest ‘step’ you have). Anderson Levelers are on my short list of RV accessories to get. I like simple. 😉

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