6 RV Mattress In A Box Benefits Plus Pros And Cons

Kelly Headshot

By Kelly Beasley

A good night's sleep is vital to maintaining a happy and healthy lifestyle. One way to achieve this while camping is by having the perfect mattress and that's where mattress in a box benefits come in.

Buying an RV mattress in a box is a relatively new thing. The traditional way of purchasing a house or camper mattress involved visiting furniture stores, testing various models, and then having one delivered to your home or RV (or getting it there yourself). It was a real pain!

However, times have changed, and the mattress industry has evolved. Mattress in a box options for RVs and homes are now plentiful.

Tochta custom RV mattress box

We've gotten our mattress box brands from Tochta, Brooklyn Bedding, RV Mattress, Sleep Dog, and more. (See our RV mattress reviews page to learn what we think of these brands.)

The "mattress in a box" is an innovative and popular solution that's revolutionized the mattress industry.

Manufacturers suck the air out of a mattress, and wrap it up tight for shipping in a surprisingly small box. Bonus- it's fun to watch it expand upon opening!

All types of mattresses including foam mattresses, hybrid mattress, and innerspring RV mattresses are shipped this way.

The smaller packaging makes it cheaper to ship and MUCH easier for manufacturers to ship, and it's easier for you to receive and handle in the mail.

Here are your RV mattress in a box benefits.

6 RV Mattress In A Box Benefits

This article explores six benefits of buying a new mattress in a box and weighs the pros and cons.

If your old RV mattress has an odor, you don't find it comfortable, or just needs replacing, here are your RV bed in a box benefits.

Trust us, we've had and tested many boxed mattresses and we love getting mattresses this way!

Tochta custom RV mattress in box

Tochta mattress in a box!


One of the biggest benefits of buying a box mattress is convenience.

No more roaming around mattress showrooms or scheduling deliveries.

Instead, you can go online, choose the perfect mattress, and have it shipped directly to your doorstep.

The mattress arrives compressed, rolled up, and packaged in a box, making it easier to maneuver and set up in your room or RV.


Mattress-in-a-box options are often more affordable than their traditional counterparts.

By eliminating the go-betweens, like salespeople and showrooms, these companies pass the savings on to you.

Additionally, many online mattress companies offer regular discounts and promotions, saving you even more money buying direct from them.

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Trial Periods And Returns

It can be nerve-wracking to buy a mattress without trying it first.

Because of this, many mattress-in-a-box companies offer generous sleep trials, usually ranging from 100 to 365 nights.

This means you can test out the mattress in the comfort of your own motorhome, travel trailer, or home and return it if it's not the right fit.

Most companies also offer hassle-free returns and full refunds during the trial period.

That said, make sure you read the fine print about the sleep trial before ordering, as well as the warranty.

Eco-Friendly Options

As environmental concerns become more important, many mattress-in-a-box companies offer eco-friendly options.

These mattresses are made from sustainable materials like organic cotton, natural latex, and recycled steel coils.

By choosing an eco-friendly mattress, you are not only investing in your sleep but also helping to reduce your environmental impact.

Top view of women curled up in bed

Variety Of Options

With the growing popularity of mattress-in-a-box options, many choices are available to suit everyone's needs.

Whether you prefer a memory foam mattress, hybrid, or latex mattress, there is a high-quality mattress for you.

The variety of options makes finding the perfect mattress to meet your specific sleep needs and preferences easy.

No matter whether you're a side sleeper, back sleeper or combination sleeper, there's something out there for you.

Less Pressure To Buy

In a traditional mattress showroom, salespeople can be pushy, making you feel pressured to make a purchase.

When buying a mattress in a box online, there is no pressure from salespeople, allowing you to take your time and make an informed decision.

Plus, you can easily compare prices, read reviews, and research at your own pace.

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Pros And Cons Of Buying An RV Mattress In A Box

Let's sum it up here:


  • Easy Delivery and Setup: The compact packaging of a mattress in a box makes it simple to transport and set up in your room. It's as easy as unboxing, unrolling, and watching the mattress expand.
  • Cost-effective: Buying a mattress in a box is usually more affordable than traditional mattresses, thanks to the elimination of middlemen and lower overhead costs.
  • Risk-free Trials: The generous trial periods offered by mattress-in-a-box companies allow you to test the mattress before committing fully, ensuring it's the right fit for you.
  • No Sales Pressure: Shopping online for a mattress in a box eliminates the pressure from salespeople, allowing you to make an informed decision without feeling rushed.


  • No In-Store Testing: While the trial period somewhat addresses this issue, it's still not the same as trying out the mattress in-store before purchasing. Some people may prefer the physical experience of testing out a mattress before committing to it.
  • Off-Gassing: This is a con, but honestly, all mattresses off-gas. Make sure you get the mattress a couple of days before you go on a trip so it can air out.
White bed sheets and pillows


Your RV bed in a box options are many.

A new bed in a box offers several benefits, including convenience, affordability, eco-friendliness, a variety of options, and no sales pressure.

However, there are also some drawbacks, such as limited customization, delayed expansion, and no in-store testing.

Ultimately, buying a mattress in a box versus a traditional mattress depends on your preferences and needs.

If you value convenience, affordability, eco-friendliness and are willing to sacrifice customization and in-store testing, a mattress in a box is likely the perfect choice for replacing your old mattress in your recreational vehicle.

Kelly Headshot

Kelly was a co-founder of CampAddict.com and ran the business until April of 2024 when she sold the business to Schwalm Inc. For over 7 years she fully immersed herself in the RV lifestyle, particularly enjoying boondocking. In December 2020, she transitioned into a #vanlife setup. Her goal was to empower others to embrace RVing confidently, equipped with the knowledge for unforgettable adventures. She believed RV knowledge enhanced that freedom and flexibility of the open road. 

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